Kimray Sales & Service in Kilgore, TX

2402 State Hwy 42 N
Kilgore, TX 75662
United States

When you buy from Kimray, it’s more than just purchasing a product. You get our diverse, customer-oriented team at your disposal.

At your local Kimray Sales & Service store in Kilgore, TX, you’ll receive expert repair work on all Kimray products. With our team’s extensive oilfield experience and diverse product knowledge, you can rest assured that you’ll find answers for your toughest challenges.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • On-Site Field Service and Valve Repair

  • Valve Repair & Refurbishments with a 1-Year Warranty

  • Valve Package Assembly Installations

  • Product Support and Training

  • Valve Sizing and Application Consultations

We look forward to serving you!