A Lease Operator is one of the most important jobs in the oil and gas industry. From recording production data and troubleshooting equipment to knowing when—and who—to call for help, this person is responsible for keeping a producing well producing.
The ideal lease operator is mechanically minded and excels at troubleshooting and solving problems.
oil and gas Lease operator job description
A lease operator is crucial to ongoing oil and gas production. This is because they are the only consistent "boots on the ground" on most well sites. The typical duties of a lease operator fall into two categories:
- Troubleshooting Operations
- Recording Production Data
Troubleshooting Operations
As produced fluid flows from the wellhead through an array of piping and valves to the separation and treatment equipment, there are countless opportunities for malfunction.
A pipe may leak from corrosion. A valve may shut off due to a failed component. A storm may have knocked over a piece of equipment.
Whatever issues arise, the operator is responsible for identifying the problem, troubleshooting, and either fixing it himself or knowing who to call to get it fixed.
Recording Production Data
A lease operator also has to maintain records of production.
From underground pressure to liquid levels to meter runs, the operator walks each site and records numbers from various gauges and instruments that measure the well's production. Most operators send daily reports of well activity.
Why Are oil well Lease Operators so Important?
Producing oil and gas requires a large investment.
In addition to paying to drill the well, companies pay the for the vessels, pumps, valves and other equipment to be built, installed, and operated. They want these things working free of disruption so they can produce energy and get a return on their investment.
Resources for Lease Operators
Are you a lease operator, or are you interested in becoming one?
Kimray's quick tips and troubleshooting videos are a go-to resource hub for lease operators to gain knowledge and advance their careers.
Here are some places to start: