What is a Control Valve's Fail Position? | Podcast Ep. #1

What is a Control Valve's Fail Position? | Podcast Ep. #1

In this episode of the Stuff You Should Know about Oil and Gas Production podcast, we are joined by Kyle Andrews, Product Applications Trainer at Kimray, who explains control valve fail positions, including fail closed and fail open.

Topics in this episode:

  • What is a valve fail position?
  • Does fail position affect operation of oil and gas separators and other production vessels?
  • How should you set up a back pressure valve to fail?
  • How should a pressure reducing regulator fail?
  • At the 8:10 mark, we discuss converting a High Pressure Control Valve from fail open to fail closed. For more information about that, see our step-by-step video

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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